Location Information

Kim's practice is located in the beautiful town of Novato, within Marin County.

1531 South Novato Boulevard
Suite E
Novato, CA, 94947

Click here to view on Google Maps


Directions from San Francisco

Just a 30 minute drive from the city, across the Golden Gate Bridge


From San Francisco, you'll take 101 North to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. Take exist 462A at Rowland Blvd. Turn left onto Rowland Blvd and then take a right after O'Reilly Auto Parts. Kim's practice is located within the small shopping center, just left of Pini Ace Hardware.


For all questions and inquiries about the business, please contact Kimberly Marshman directly. You can reach her at 1-415-572-7478 by phone or text. Or you can send her a message at kimmarshmanlac@gmail.com.

Business inquiries